Sunday, December 29, 2019

Documentación Para Niños Que Viajan Solos en EE.UU.

Cuando un nià ±o menor de 18 aà ±os  ingresa o sale de los Estados Unidos sin estar acompaà ±ado por sus dos padres o se dispone a viajar solo en un vuelo domà ©stico surge la duda sobre quà © documentacià ³n necesita. En este artà ­culo se explican cuà ¡les son los documentos oficiales que pueden ser utilizados por los menores de edad estadounidenses para ingresar y salir  de Estados Unidos y tambià ©n se brinda un ejemplo de declaracià ³n jurada voluntaria, que puede ser conveniente para evitar problemas, y quà © puede suceder cuando el menor viaja con solamente un progenitor y se sospecha que puede no tener la autorizacià ³n del otro para salir del paà ­s. Asimismo, se informa sobre las reglas y directrices que aplican a los vuelos domà ©sticos de menores que viajar sin estar acompaà ±ados por un adulto. Finalmente y teniendo en consideracià ³n que cuando se cruzan aduanas internacionales hay que respetar las leyes del paà ­s de entrada y del de salida, se explica el caso de Mà ©xico debido a la frecuencia de viajes entre ese paà ­s y Estados Unidos por parte de menores. Documentacià ³n para viajes de nià ±os estadounidenses a otros paà ­ses En primer lugar, destacar que el menor estadounidense necesita estar documentado, asà ­ viaje por sà ­ solo o con sus padres. Entre la documentacià ³n aceptada para salir e ingresar a los Estados Unidos el  pasaporte americano es el documento por excelencia  para todos los  ciudadanos americanos, incluidos los nià ±os. Pero sacar un pasaporte americano para un nià ±o està ¡ sujeto a sus propias reglas que difieren un poco de las que aplican a los pasaportes de adultos. Por ejemplo, es necesaria la presencia de ambos padres y si uno  de los padres no quiere sacar el pasaporte para el hijo/a  solo caben excepciones muy particulares. Tambià ©n es necesario  llevar al infante a solicitar el pasaporte. Ademà ¡s, si bien es cierto que el documento por excelencia es el pasaporte americano lo cierto es que ademà ¡s se admiten otro tipo de papeles, dependiendo de la edad del menor, de si se llega por mar o tierra y del paà ­s de procedencia. Lo cual es especialmente à ºtil para los casos de cruce de aduanas terrestres entre Mà ©xico y Estados Unidos.   Las mismas reglas que aplican para que el menor salga de Estados Unidos sirven para que regrese. En el caso de que el pasaporte caduque estando en el exterior serà ¡ necesario solicitar otro nuevo en una embajada o consulado estadounidense. El nià ±o deberà ¡ estar presente en la entrevista para el pasaporte. Documentacià ³n adicional cuando el nià ±o no viaja acompaà ±ado de ambos padres Es muy frecuente que un menor viaje al exterior o regrese a los Estados Unidos acompaà ±ado de sà ³lo el papà ¡, sà ³lo la mamà ¡, otros familiares como abuelos, hermanos mayores, tà ­os, padrinos e incluso amigos, grupos escolares o religiosos, etc.  ¿Quà © dice la ley en estos casos? El gobierno federal de los Estados Unidos no establece obligatoriamente la necesidad de que estos adultos que acompaà ±an a los nià ±os lleven ninguna justificacià ³n de por quà © està ¡n los nià ±os viajando con ellos. Sin embargo, la Policà ­a de Aduanas y Fronteras (CBP, por sus siglas en inglà ©s) puede pedirle al adulto que pruebe con un documento que puede viajar internacionalmente con el nià ±o.  ¿Quà © documento prueba  que el adulto que acompaà ±a al nià ±o cuenta con la autorizacià ³n de los dos padres? Segà ºn la CBP una declaracià ³n jurada firmada ante notario. Si el nià ±o viaja con un sà ³lo progenitor, el otro ha de firmarla. Y si viaja sin ninguno de los padres entonces en la declaracià ³n ha de estar la firma de los dos. La à ºnica excepcià ³n a esto es cuando uno de los padres tiene la custodia en exclusiva del menor. Como por ejemplo cuando es viudo/a, una corte ha establecido esa custodia en exclusiva o en el certificado de nacimiento consta sà ³lo el nombre de uno de los padres. En estos casos es suficiente la declaracià ³n con la firma del padre que tiene custodia, si bien  es bueno llevar tambià ©n la documentacià ³n que asà ­ lo acredita (birth certificate, death certificate, court decision, etc).   Ejemplo de declaracià ³n para justificar que un nià ±o no està ¡ viajando con ambos padres I (y a continuacià ³n escribir el nombre del papà ¡ y/o de la mamà ¡) acknowledge that my (poner aquà ­ la relacià ³n con el adulto que acompaà ±a al menor y su nombre, como por ejemplo wife, husband, father, mother, friend, etc) is travelling out of the country with my (son, daughter). He/She/they (segà ºn sea el caso)  have my permission to do so. Lo que en espaà ±ol vendrà ­a a decir que Yo, (y a continuacià ³n mi nombre) reconozco que mi (esposo/esposa, amigo, papà ¡, mamà ¡, etc) viaja a otro paà ­s con mi (hijo, hija). El/Ella tiene mi permiso para hacerlo. Elegir las opciones correctas, firmarlo y fecharlo ante notario. Recordar que si ninguno de los papà ¡s acompaà ±a al nià ±o, debe haber dos declaraciones juradas, una por el mamà ¡ y otra por el padre. Si el adulto que acompaà ±a al nià ±o en su guardià ¡n legal establecido asà ­ por una corte entonces no precisa de la autorizacià ³n de ninguno de los papà ¡s, pero es recomendable que viaje con el papel donde se le nombra guardià ¡n.  ¿Por quà © Estados Unidos puede pedir esta declaracià ³n certificada? El objetivo es proteger al nià ±o, particularmente en casos de secuestro internacional de menores, donde es frecuente que uno de los padres, sà ³lo o con ayuda de amigos o familiares, intente cruzar una frontera con un nià ±o a escondidas el progenitor con el que comparte custodia. Esto es un delito muy serio, incluso aunque el que lo haga sea uno de los padres y tenga la mejor de las intenciones. Viajar con esa declaracià ³n notarizada no es obligatorio. Pero si un agente la pide y no se tiene lo que va a pasar es que el adulto que acompaà ±a al menor va a ser retenido hasta que se puede demostrar que tiene permiso del otro padre o de ambos padres -segà ºn el caso- para viajar internacionalmente con el menor. Requisitos aerolà ­neas y de otros paà ­ses: el caso de Mà ©xico Cuando se viaja por avià ³n hay que verificar de antemano los requisitos de cada aerolà ­nea, ya que dependiendo del caso pueden ser incluso mà ¡s severas que las de las autoridades americanas. Ademà ¡s, no olvidar que cuando se cruza una frontera hay que cumplir con las leyes de dos paà ­ses, no sà ³lo las de Estados Unidos. Asà ­ que verificar quà © pide el otro paà ­s para poder ingresar/sacar a un menor por sus fronteras cuando no està ¡ acompaà ±ado por ambos padres. Por ejemplo, las reglas de Canadà ¡ son muy estrictas y las de Mà ©xico, tambià ©n.  Por ejemplo, si se viaja entre  Mà ©xico y Estados Unidos,  las de esas 2 naciones, destacando que  Mà ©xico  es un paà ­s que exige requisitos serios  en el caso de viajes de menores sin estar acompaà ±ados por su padre y su madre, al pedir que se llene el  Formato de Salida de Menores  (SAM). Documentos para nià ±os extranjeros ingresando en EE.UU. Los menores extranjeros deben tener pasaporte y documento que permita el ingreso que dependerà ¡ del caso de cada uno, por ejemplo, la tarjeta de residencia, una visa de turista o estudiante, una ESTA, etc. Documentos para nià ±os que viajan solos en vuelo domà ©stico en EE.UU. Como regla general la ley dice que los menores de 18 aà ±os no tienen que mostrar identificacià ³n para pasar por el control de seguridad. Sin embargo, cada aerolà ­nea està ¡ capacitada para establecer sus propias reglas. Por ejemplo, es comà ºn que exijan algà ºn tipo de identificacià ³n para permitir la compra del billete y emitir la tarjeta de embarque. Ademà ¡s, sà ­ que se pide al adulto que acompaà ±a al menor al aeropuerto o lo recoge que muestre un I.D. con foto tipo licencia de manejar del estado. Ademà ¡s, aunque no es necesario se surgiere que los menores que ya han alcanzado los 12 aà ±os de edad y, particularmente, si parecen muy grandes que lleven consigo una identificacià ³n con foto que no contenga su direccià ³n. El pasaporte, de Estados Unidos o de otro paà ­s, es la identificacià ³n ideal pero no la à ºnica que puede servir este propà ³sito. Este es un artà ­culo informativo. No es asesorà ­a legal para ningà ºn caso concreto.

Saturday, December 21, 2019

5 Steps For Getting Rid Of Brain Fog Essay - 1081 Words

5 Steps to Get Rid of Brain Fog By Clancy Davies | Submitted On October 20, 2014 Recommend Article Article Comments Print Article Share this article on Facebook Share this article on Twitter Share this article on Google+ Share this article on Linkedin Share this article on StumbleUpon Share this article on Delicious Share this article on Digg Share this article on Reddit Share this article on Pinterest So you want to Get Rid of Brain Fog? To make sure we are on the same page, brain fog can be described as either temporary or chronic impairment of one s mental capabilities. Often we perceive a sharp drop in our cognitive capabilities. A feeling of confusion and lack of mental clarity accompany this. Another symptom usually related to this condition is the inability to concentrate. Also, sensations of fuzziness, forgetfulness and a feeling of detachment may appear. If you feel like you are not as sharp as you used to be, this article will help you determine the causes and find out a solution to get rid of brain fog. What causes brain fog? Before we can discuss how to get rid of brain fog, lets investigate the potential causes. There are many factors that may lead, alone or in combination, to the onset of brain fog. Some of them are: †¢ Sleep deprivation †¢ Sleep apnea †¢ Chronic fatigue †¢ Fibromyalgia †¢ Anxiety †¢ Depression †¢ Obsessive compulsive disorders †¢ Dementia †¢ Alzheimer s and Parkinson s disease †¢ Schizophrenia †¢ Bipolar disorder †¢ AlcoholismShow MoreRelatedExit Canada Marketing Plan Analysis2721 Words   |  11 PagesMarketing Plan â€Æ' Table of Contents I. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 3 II. INTRODUCTION 4 III. CURRENT MARKETING SITUATION 4 IV. SWOT ANALYSIS 5 V. OBJECTIVES AND ISSUES 8 VI. MARKETING STRATEGY 10 1. Positioning and Value Proposition 10 2. Product Strategy 11 3. Pricing Strategy 11 4. Channel Strategy 12 5. 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Friday, December 13, 2019

Emergency Room Services Free Essays

Emergency rooms in the USA are under increasing pressure to provide emergency care to all, even if they are non life threatening. This trend in approaching ER for every singly problem is costing the healthcare system a large amount of costs, with the result that the number of ER services and hospitals are decreasing with increased pressure on the remaining healthcare facilities. Other contributing factors are not helping either. We will write a custom essay sample on Emergency Room Services or any similar topic only for you Order Now In addition to this the issue of increased alcohol consumption and ER admissions is also beginning to negatively affect the quality of healthcare. Nurses are under more pressure than ever to handle ER efficiently, which is showing no signs of decreasing the number of unnecessary ER admissions. Alcohol and Drug Abuse Are Main Abusers of Emergency Room Services Many reports now confirm that Emergency room services are among the most misused healthcare services employed by the patients. Of the many problems with which the patients come into the ER with, the most common are due to alcohol and drug abuse. According to McGeary (2000) â€Å"chronic illicit drug use is a positive as well as a significant determinant of the probability of utilizing the ER.† (McGeary et al, 2000) Substance abusers were 30 percent more likely to utilize the ER services than any other emergencies. (McGeary et al, 2000) The above statements and study results point out to many issues and findings. Firstly, that drug users or abusers are the most prominent patient crowd of the ERs. This leads to the next conclusion that in order to improve ER services, we must be able to identify and care for the main target patients, who are drug users, alcoholics and such related substance abusers. ER is also a most likely place where screening for psychiatric symptoms and drug abuse can be identified, and further treatments carried out. In this way, an ER can be looked at as a diagnostic, screening and treatment facility for those who are substance or drug abusers, with or without psychological symptoms. This also means that in order to improve services in the ER, the prime patient population in focus should be such people, and effective measures and policies must be introduced to provide care for this group. The costs utilized in the education and prevention of alcohol abuse is far less than the costs that it takes to treat alcohol cases. The trend in opting for emergency visit initially may have been limited to emergency cases, but in the recent years has grown to include insignificant calls that may not need emergency initiatives. The problem lies in lack of awareness among people about what constitutes an emergency and what not. To many this increase in the recent years in the emergency room entries and calls are due to the increasing size of the populations, the reduction of services and number of hospitals, the decrease in the number of nurses, and the problems of not having insurance and coverage in the American population. The current concept of ER has changed to become a place that provides round the clock services for all healthcare related problems instead of a service that is essentially made to save lives in critical danger. The complications are leading to more admissions, with the danger that many patients who may be in actual need of the critical treatment may experience delays in their treatment, leading to significant morbidity and mortality. (Severson, 2000) The current statistics reveal that one in five of the visits to the ER are for non-urgent conditions. (Osheraoff, 2004) Of the most common abusers of the ER system, men, poor families and African Americans are seen to abuse them the most. These numbers are high in all of the American states. In California, this includes a quarter million of the Californian adults and 60,000 children. The increase these admissions and care treatments cost are six times more than the normal clinical expenditures. Of the abusers, the non citizens were more likely to utilize the ER services when compared to the citizens. All these increases in the numbers are thought to take place due to the reasons mentioned above. The ER services nation wide are in deep trouble. (Sacremento State News, 2004) In the last ten years from 1993 to 2003, America as experienced an increase of 12 percent in its population, but the ER reports and admissions have increased by 27 percent. This was coupled by the closing of 425 emergency departments, 700 hospitals and 200,000 beds. This means that as the number of ER services is decreasing, the remaining services are experiencing a sharp rise in the admissions and therefore more work with lesser amount of quality provision. (Brown, 2006) What many of the Americans refuse to acknowledge is that the ER visit is also costly for them, apart from the increased cost that the healthcare sector pays. This trend to have every thing taken care of in the ER is usually due to two reasons on the patients’ behalf. One is to save oneself from waiting for an appointment with the primary healthcare provider, and second is the lack of awareness among the Americans as to what constitutes an emergency. (Osheroff, 2006) The drug related admissions in hospital ERs is increasing precariously. In 2004, there were near 2 million admissions in the ER for drug related mishaps, of which 1.3 million were due to drug misuse or abuse. (SAMSHA, 2006) Of the 1.3 million, 30 percent comprised of illicit drug abuse cases, 25 percent were related to over the counter and prescribed medications, 8 percent were alcohol abuse cases in people under age 21, and the rest included combinations of illicit drugs, pharmaceuticals and alcohols in various combinations and percentages. The drugs that were primarily involved comprised of cocaine, marijuana, heroine, stimulants, amphetamines and methamphetamines, PCP, Ecstasy and GHB in the largest amounts. The problem will continue to increase in number as many predict due to the increased number of teenagers and young adults taking up these substances. (Samsha, 2006) How to cite Emergency Room Services, Papers

Thursday, December 5, 2019

A Work Community Problem of Communications

Question: Describe about a Report for A Work Community for the Problem of Communications. Answer: Identification of Challenges Faced by the Community Communication Problem: The problem in communication is one of the major problems that may hamper the functioning of an organization very deeply. An organization cannot grow and sustain in the long-run if it do not have an effective communication framework for communication of its daily functioning. The hindrance to communication in this case might be due to diversity of people which creates a language barrier and another issue that has been affecting the organization is prioritization of the personal issues at workplace (Baker and Warren 2015). Disputes: Prioritization of personal issues instead of having a common goal at workplace has been hampering the organization. The employees have the mentality of being jealous of fellow employees success as well as a consistent argument between the employees and their superiors which is due to excessive demands made by the superiors. Lack of Interest in Job: The excessive demands made by the superiors might give rise to lack of interest and dissatisfaction among the employees which may further give rise to under-performance by the employees due to the feeling of hopelessness against a particular task. Such situation creates a feeling in the mind of an individual that his/her skills do not match the requirement of the current job (Beehr 2014). Lack of Growth Opportunities: Lack of opportunities of promotion and growth added with growth and dissatisfaction and underperformance creates a feeling in the mind of an employee that he/she does not belong in the organization or he/she may deserve much better than the existing job profile. Solution to the Challenges and Goals Identified Effective Communication Model: The organization should develop an effective communication model to ensure smooth flow of communication in both upward and downward direction to have clarity of goals and objectives (Gordon 2015). Delegation of Authority and Responsibility: Each and every individuals authority and responsibility towards a particular work should be well defined and it should also mention the reporting head and extent of control the employee and the reporting head possess. Cordial Relation: The higher management should engage themselves in employees engagement programs. Doing this would help in create a better understanding of each other and will further reduce the friction between the employees and the superiors and would further improve the work environment. Equal Employment and Growth Opportunity: The management should set a code of conduct which would aim at non-discrimination at workplace and promote equal employment and growth opportunity. This would create a feeling among the employees that their talent is being valued. Democratic Leadership: The organization should encourage the employees to participate in the decision making process so that the employees may share their creative ideas and suggestion towards the improvement of the work environment. This would help in team building and enhanced organizational performance (Hendriks and Karsten 2014). Rational Needs of Work Communitys Mission and Values Clarity of Task and its Magnitude and Control: The organization should clearly define the task assigned to each individual and the degree to which they have to work and the controlling authority. Further, the organization should clearly state that no additional work should be assigned to the individual beyond the defined task and nobody should shoulder the task of their fellow workers tasks. Ethical Code of Conduct: The organization should establish a set of ethical code of conduct that defines the dos and donts within the organization. In case, any such codes are breached by the employees, they would be penalized for the misconduct. This would further help in reducing discrimination at workplace. Team Work: The management should engage the employees in various collective works to enhance their relationship and further improve communication. Doing such things would help in team building and improve the work culture and work environment. Employee Engagement Program: The employees from various departments should be encouraged to participate in fun sessions such as indoor sports, quizzes, excursions and many other activities. This would give a boost to their learning experience and help in team building. Feedback Mechanism: The management should devise a feedback mechanism to deal with deal with the problems and complaints from the employees. It would further be helpful for the management to understand the attitude of the employees towards the management. Sort of Knowledge Included to Establish Positive Power Relationship Appreciate Mutual Responsibilities and Anticipations: The management and the employees should appreciate and respect each others responsibilities and expectations. The employees should collectively work towards the achievement of organizational objectives and the management should meet the needs and demands of its employees. Analytical Thinking: The management should critically analyze various patterns across different situation and should identify critical issues under various circumstances (org 2016). Diplomatic Sensitivity: The management should have the ability to understand precisely the partially uttered thoughts or unspoken words, emotions and sentiments of others (Robles 2012). Negotiation: The management should always work towards a win-win situation. The management should have a clear understanding of the employees needs and respond to their needs accordingly. Confidence Building: Giving certain degree of independence to the employees would help the management in building the confidence of the employees. Celebrating the success of the employees and appreciating their contribution will further help in team building. Ethical Considerations Breach of Codes of Conduct: The breach of codes of conduct should be treated as a serious misconduct and must be dealt with in a reasonable manner. For example, if an employee is suspected in an act of racial discrimination or sexual harassment, then the employee should be punished for such offence (Leipziger 2015). Favoritism: The employer must not favor any particular employee with respect to bonuses or promotions by neglecting much more deserving and eligible employees. Such conducts are highly unethical at workplace and should be avoided on highest priority. Termination of Employee: The employer should not terminate an employee without prior notice. In case, the employer wishes to terminate an employee, the employee should be served with prior notice for minimum one or two months duration. Links to Organizations and Institutions That Chosen Community Could Benefit From Knowing More About Vodafone and Suncorp Bank are some of the organization which is top rated in Australia for their work culture and ethical business practices. Vodafone supports the interests and likes of its employees and encourages them to pursue it and the company also gives its employees to work with people from all over the world. Suncorp Bank enables its employees with facility of flexible work time, career breaks, job share in order to maintain a work life balance. The bank further encourages its employees to participate in the decision making irrespective of their designation ( 2016). References Baker, T. and Warren, A., 2015. The Nine Common Barriers to Communication. InConversations at Work(pp. 54-74). Palgrave Macmillan UK. Beehr, T.A., 2014.Psychological stress in the workplace (Psychology revivals). Routledge. (2016)./top10/1716/Top-10-companies-to-work-for-in-Australia. [online] Available at: [Accessed 22 Oct. 2016]. Gordon, G., 2015. MGMT 301-04 Managerial Communication. Hendriks, F. and Karsten, N., 2014. Theory of democratic leadership.P.'t Hart R. Rhodes (Eds.), Oxford handbook of political leadership, pp.41-56. Leipziger, D., 2015.The corporate responsibility code book. Greenleaf Publishing. (2016).careers/competency_framework_en.pdf. [online] Available at: [Accessed 22 Oct. 2016]. Robles, M.M., 2012. Executive perceptions of the top 10 soft skills needed in todays workplace.Business Communication Quarterly,75(4), pp.453-465.

Thursday, November 28, 2019

What does Orwell do in the opening two pages of the novel Essay Example For Students

What does Orwell do in the opening two pages of the novel ? Essay In the novel Nineteen Eighty-Four, the author, George Orwell employs a range of different techniques such as similes, metaphors and symbolism to unnerve and keep the reader in anticipation, impelling them to read on. The novel is in a third-person narrative style, this technique employed by Orwell creates a distance between the central character, Winston Smith and the reader. This vagueness adds tension and mystery to Orwells depiction, only allowing the characters emotion to be revealed through dialogue. The narrative viewpoint also allows the reader to grasp an unbiased view of the character and his circumstances. Throughout these first couple of pages Orwell purposefully refuses to expand on things which confuse the reader. For instance, The hallway smelt of boiled cabbage and old rag mats, and simply doesnt give an explanation why. This deliberate omission is employed to purely keep the reader on edge and impel him/her to read on. Another example of this is towards the end of the second page, The Patrols did not matter, however. We will write a custom essay on What does Orwell do in the opening two pages of the novel ? specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now Only the Thought Police mattered. This line immediately grabs attention and creates suspense, but Orwell leaves it here. The reader is now left feeling insecure and leaves us questioning ourselves through mere confusion of what may be happening in this society. Another technique utilized by Orwell to disturb the reader is the use of unusual contradictions; an example of this is given in the first line. It was a bright cold day in April, and the clocks were striking thirteen. After reading this opening line the reader becomes confused because usual connotations of the word Bright wouldnt normally be associated with the word Cold. Therefore a bright cold day would seem a little irregular but effectively creates atmosphere and tension, this poetic technique is called an Oxymoron. After this Orwell goes on to portray the clocks striking thirteen, this again, is a clever contradiction introduced by Orwell which directly unsettles the reader. The number thirteen itself is known as an unlucky number, associated with evil. These unusually dark connotations all add to the obscurity of the feeling Orwell is trying to depict and leave the read mystified about what is going to happen. In addition to this Orwell applies various similes, metaphors, repetition and symbolism to convey different emotions across to the reader. An example of the similes used is on the second page, a helicopter skimmed down between the roofs, hovered like a bluebottle. This clever expression compares the hovering helicopter with a bluebottle fly. The helicopter snooping about annoying and hassling people just like the hovering pest Orwell wants it to be related with. The repetition used within these two pages is based around the block capital written captions, BIG BROTHER IS WATCHING YOU. These headings are repeated twice; they are outstanding and emphasize the authority and presence of this establishment. Again, Orwell doesnt go into detail about what this organization symbolizes or stands for; he simply proceeds with the descriptions. This lack of knowledge of Big Brother leaves the reader wanting to know more about what control this unexplained leader has over the society. Furthermore, the symbolism which exploits this societys conduct with their people is portrayed through Winston Smith, the main character. Was thirty nine-nine and had a varicose ulcer above his right ankle and a small, frail figure, the meagreness of his body These descriptions of Winston prove that this society run by strangers, is under the unhealthiest of commands and nobody, especially Winston is treated correctly. These descriptions leave the reader with sympathy for Winston but still in a fearful atmosphere and anxious of what is going to happen. In conclusion to the question, George Orwell has employed successful and intelligent techniques that keep the story on a suspenseful edge whilst the reader and Winston Smith remain within a mysterious distance of each other. The distance is ample enough for the reader to be optimistic and impelled to go on.

Sunday, November 24, 2019

Free Essays on Ancient Egypt

A. Summary: Many different kings and pharaohs governed Egypt. The kings and pharaohs were grouped into thirty-one dynasties. These dynasties were divided into smaller categories, which consisted of an â€Å"Old Kingdom†, â€Å"Middle Kingdom†, and â€Å"New Kingdom†. The basic assumption of Egypt and pyramids came from the Old Kingdom. Ancient Egypt became famous for having the longest river in the world, the Nile. It was the â€Å"most important feature of life in ancient Egypt† (page 10). The country’s fertile fields and food resources such as poultry and livestock relied on the soil of the river. The Nile was where the abundant amount of fish and nourishment came from. This body of water attracted many outsiders. Most of which were from Asia. Egyptians reacted to the Asian outsiders with disrespect. Although the Asians were not accepted at first, once they settled into Egypt, they could obtain jobs and marry Egyptians. The exchange of foreign g oods and services among countries was controlled entirely by the Pharaohs. After the Nile River, the main source of food was fish. The quantity of fish was so high, Ancient Egypt was then known as â€Å"a land of abundance† (page 60). Along with fish, agriculture became popular at this time period. The agriculture relied greatly on the Nile River as a source of fertility for the land. Another source of food was wild cattle that were hunted. The hunting procedure dropped soon after agriculture came into place. Egypt had the richest of lands; The soil contained stones such as gold, copper, malachite, alabaster, limestone, and granite used in building monuments. Society in Egypt was almost the total opposite of other Middle Eastern countries. Along with men, women’s positions depended upon their fathers and husbands. Women were ranked according to their husbands’ positions, but they were in their own economic status. Women had the right to own or rent property, engage in business, and trade ... Free Essays on Ancient Egypt Free Essays on Ancient Egypt Ancient Egyptian Agriculture There are many valid points to be made in Ancient Egyptian agriculture. Irrigation, ploughing and planting, harvesting, and of course, crops. These will be some of the subtopics I will be touching upon in this essay of ancient Egyptian agriculture. Irrigation When the Nile is overflowing, it floods the Delta and the lands called Libyan and Arabian, for a distance of a journey of two days from both banks in places, and sometimes, sometimes less. I could not learn anything about its nature, neither from the priests nor from anyone else. I was curious to learn why the Nile is flooding for a hundred days from the summer solstice; and when this time is passed, sinks again, and the river is low during the whole winter until the summer solstice again. -Herodotus, Histories 2,19 Above, is a quote from a man recovered from an article of writing back in the ancient Egyptian times. Irrigation is a form of re, there are two crops, one crop is getting all the water, and it’s flooding. With irrigation, the farmer will re-route the water towards the other crop, as well as sharing the water with the crop that was being flooded. So now, both crops are getting enough water and they are not flooding nor suffering from drought. Natural river irrigation shaped the early landscape of ancient Egypt. Drainage was not required for the Valley to become liveable. With the natural flooding and draining of the floodplain, the annual flood allowed a single crop-season over two-thirds of the alluvial ground. Once the main canals, many of them natural, were in place, they just had to be scoured yearly to prevent their clogging up. The levees had to be raised, and smaller ditches had to be re-excavated. Organized by the regional authorities, every Egyptian had to move about thirty cubic metres of soil in about ten days every ... Free Essays on Ancient Egypt A. Summary: Many different kings and pharaohs governed Egypt. The kings and pharaohs were grouped into thirty-one dynasties. These dynasties were divided into smaller categories, which consisted of an â€Å"Old Kingdom†, â€Å"Middle Kingdom†, and â€Å"New Kingdom†. The basic assumption of Egypt and pyramids came from the Old Kingdom. Ancient Egypt became famous for having the longest river in the world, the Nile. It was the â€Å"most important feature of life in ancient Egypt† (page 10). The country’s fertile fields and food resources such as poultry and livestock relied on the soil of the river. The Nile was where the abundant amount of fish and nourishment came from. This body of water attracted many outsiders. Most of which were from Asia. Egyptians reacted to the Asian outsiders with disrespect. Although the Asians were not accepted at first, once they settled into Egypt, they could obtain jobs and marry Egyptians. The exchange of foreign g oods and services among countries was controlled entirely by the Pharaohs. After the Nile River, the main source of food was fish. The quantity of fish was so high, Ancient Egypt was then known as â€Å"a land of abundance† (page 60). Along with fish, agriculture became popular at this time period. The agriculture relied greatly on the Nile River as a source of fertility for the land. Another source of food was wild cattle that were hunted. The hunting procedure dropped soon after agriculture came into place. Egypt had the richest of lands; The soil contained stones such as gold, copper, malachite, alabaster, limestone, and granite used in building monuments. Society in Egypt was almost the total opposite of other Middle Eastern countries. Along with men, women’s positions depended upon their fathers and husbands. Women were ranked according to their husbands’ positions, but they were in their own economic status. Women had the right to own or rent property, engage in business, and trade ... Free Essays on Ancient Egypt Ancient Egypt Between 3100 and 332 B.C was the rise and climax of one of the richest and oldest ancient civilizations. It’s lifeline was the Nile river in the Nile valley. Here, Egyptian dynasties ruled from the first cataract of the Nile to the Mediterranean Sea. At the it’s height it ruled an empire that reached from Syria in the east to Nubia in the south. In this report I will be covering the Archaic Period, the Old Kingdom, the Middle Kingdom the New Kingdom and The Late Period or 3100-332 B.C. Archaic Period: 3100 B.C to 2750 B.C There long history began with there first King who began the first Egyptian dynasty. In 3100 B.C Pharaoh Menes united upper and lower Egypt. Making Egypt’s first empire. In doing so, he made the Egyptian double crown. It was made by putting the red crown of Lower Egypt on top of the white crown of upper Egypt. Menes ruled from the ancient city of Thinis near Abydos. Under his reign the first hieroglyphic writing was made. He is also credited with making his empire interdependent. Old Kingdom: 2750 B.C to 2181 B.C / First Intermediate Period: 2182-2260 Little is known about Menes successors until the reign of Zoser at the end of the 3rd dynasty. His capital was located at Memphis on the Nile’s west bank. He built the world’s first pyramid and the first building of that size to be entirely made of stone. Even though it was a pyramid it wasn’t a true pyramid, but a step pyramid. After the reign of the last king of the Sixth dynasty (the last dynasty in the old kingdom.) Pepi II in 2181 B.C, there was a period of crisis and social upheaval known as the First Intermediate Period. The reasons leading up to this dark time, was a series of low floods and the result was famine during the Sixth dynasty. This undermined the stability of Egypt and provoked rebellion. What followed put Egypt in rapid decline. With no central power the provinces b...

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Infection Control Policy in Australia Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Infection Control Policy in Australia - Essay Example The World Health Organization (2003, p.9) highlights that there have been emergencies of dangerous respiratory and other infectious diseases like tuberculosis over the years. Therefore, there is a need to introduce policies for healthcare facilities for the aged to control such infections and their spread. Infection control policy has been defined as the programs and procedures meant to monitor diseases within health care facilities, investigate, prevent and control the spread of such infections and their causes. Infection control policies involve the procedures, which are used in the healthcare facilities, which serve to minimize the spread of any infection to patients and other people. The infection control policy is a health branch of healthcare with a role to prevent healthcare associate’s infections. Hence, infection control policies serve to manage any spread of infections and infectious microorganisms in the healthcare facilities (World Health Organization 2003, p.9). T o ensure that transmission of infections is properly monitored, there is a need to inform the patients, their relatives, healthcare workers and people who are involved in caring for the aged. The Essex Health Protection Unit (2011, p.6) highlights that these policies have been developed for use by proprietors, healthcare personnel and care homes and their implementation helps to ensure that there is efficiency in management of risks associated with infections. Further, implementation of these policies ensures that quality of healthcare for the aged is improved. The World Health Organization (2003, p.12) highlights that infection control policies should have some defining characteristics for it to be effective. The first characteristic of the policy is the operating of systems for control of infections. This means that the policy should have regulations put in place to respond to any cases of infections. Secondly, the policy should have education and training programs for the healthc are personnel who are involved in nursing of the aged. They should be taken through training so that they can be able to understand what is required of them. Thirdly, the healthcare workers should be protected by the policy. The policy should ensure that healthcare workers health is protected through immunization programs and other methods, which promote prevention of infections when working (World Health Organization 2003, p.12). Lastly, the policy should identify potential hazards and ways of minimizing any risks of infections. According to NSW Health (2010, p.10) the main purpose of the policy is to lay down the fundamental principles of controlling infections in the Australian healthcare system. These foundations help the healthcare system to develop policies and procedures that are relevant for their own aged care nursing facilities. Infection control policies purposes can be implemented through either standard precautions or additional precautions (NSW Health 2010, p.3). The p olicy standard precautions are said to apply to all patients at all times irrespective of their health conditions (National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence 2012, p.12). The first purpose of the infection control policies is to ensure Standard procedures are followed when dealing with patients. These precautions involve using basic standard healthcare precautions to provide a high degree of protection to the healthcare workers, the aged and people who are exposed to them.